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[PIO] Statements by the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare during her visit to the Christos Stelios Ioannou Foundation, the Centre for Family


The workers at the cafeteria and the pastry shop at the Foundation Christos Stelios Ioannou, a living example of integration

The Deputy Minister of Social Welfare, Ms Marilena Evangelou, during her visit today to the Christos Stelios Ioannou Foundation, the "Aktida" Family Intervention Centre, the "Ledra" Residence and the "Kykkos" Residence housed in the St. Christopher's House complex, said she was particularly pleased because she had the opportunity to see for herself the excellent work that is being carried out.

"I watched with great emotion the short artistic programme prepared by the Foundation's trainees. I saw the joy on their faces, but also the pride on the faces of their instructors. It is obvious that a remarkable work is being done here and they deserve congratulations", Ms Evangelou said.

The Deputy Minister also referred to the very important work done in the pastry shop and cafeteria of the Foundation, stating that "Among the responsibilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare is the integration of people with disabilities in various ways. The View cafeteria and the pastry shop 'Make it with a dessert' are a living example of how people with intellectual disabilities can be integrated into society and have the same rights as everyone else. Yes, they can work, as you can see in the cafeteria and the bakery, and I have to say that they do an amazing job. And I take this opportunity to extend an open invitation to all people to visit the cafeteria, which is open to the public, and taste the sweets and savouries of the confectionery, which also takes orders."

Ms Evangellou then referred to the "Aktida" Family Intervention and Support Centre for Autism and its pioneering work, as it is the only one of its kind, providing psychosocial support to both preschool children with autism and their families. Through home visits by trainers, she added, it aims to facilitate and guide families as much as possible.

In addition, the Deputy Minister referred to the "Ledra" and "Kykkos" residences, whose role is particularly important, since as 24-hour care structures for people with more severe intellectual disabilities, they provide psychosocial support, nursing care and guidance.

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