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[PIO] The President of the Parliamentary Committee on Home Affairs participated in an Inter-Parliamentary Meeting of the ING2 Special Committee of the


The Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Internal Affairs, Mr. Aristos Damianou, participated online today in an Inter-Parliamentary Meeting of the European Parliament (EP) Special Committee on external interference, including misinformation, in all democratic processes in the European Union (EU) and strengthening integrity, transparency and accountability in the EP (ING2). The theme of the meeting was legislative resilience, electoral legislation and information manipulation campaigns.

In his intervention, Damianou stressed that the integrity of elections and electoral processes must be a priority for the EU and its Member States. In particular, he said that it is necessary to establish an adequate regulatory framework to protect citizens from misinformation, false news and hate speech. These phenomena, Mr Damianou pointed out, adversely affect the freedom of expression of citizens and, consequently, democratic processes. The ING2 Special Commission should work with both EU institutions and national institutions and bodies to promote concrete proposals aimed at strengthening the resilience of legislation on electoral processes and misinformation, he concluded.

(Text as sent by the House of Representatives)
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