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[PIO] Statements by the President of the Republic


Hopefully there will be either a positive response from the Turkish side or an invitation from the United Nations (UN) Secretary General himself for a meeting, President of the Republic Mr. Nicos Christodoulides.

In a statement after the inauguration of works in Pegeia, asked to comment on the upward review of the Cypriot economy by Moody's, the President of the Republic said: "This is an important development, from steady to positive.

And I believe it is recognition of the Government's trifecta in terms of our overall economic policy, which boils down to responsible fiscal policy, a strong financial system and continuous and bold reforms.

In this framework we will continue, precisely to have a strong economy that will allow us - because this is the main thing - to have a targeted social policy for all those of our fellow citizens that we have to help, and at the same time, to be able [TO] have policies in the areas of health and education, which are a priority for the Government."

Asked about the issue of establishing a pan-European air defence system, President Christodoulides said: "The issue was first discussed when I was in Athens at the New Democracy conference, to which I was invited by the Greek Prime Minister. During the lunch with the President of the Commission it was, yes, an idea of the Greek Prime Minister, with which we fully agree.

As the Republic of Cyprus we support this position and I am sure that in the coming years there will be developments in this direction.

The European Union (EU), in order to be able to stand at the international level, to be able to play this geopolitical role that it claims, that it wants to claim, should be strategically autonomous.

The European Union (EU), in order to be able to stand at the international level, to be able to play this geopolitical role that it claims, that it wants to claim, should be strategically autonomous. And when we say strategically autonomous, we are talking primarily about defence, security and energy issues. So, I fully agree with this particular recommendation."

Asked whether he discussed the issue with the Polish government during his recent official visit to the country, the President of the Republic said: "Certainly. It is an issue that as the Republic of Cyprus we are among those EU member states that support a strategically autonomous EU, not in words but in deeds. And one of the key pillars to be able to talk about a strategically autonomous EU is the area of defence, security and energy."

Asked whether the possible new package of sanctions against Russia may affect shipping companies in Cyprus, the President of the Republic said: "Let me make it clear that as the Republic of Cyprus we are faithfully implementing the decisions, the EU sanctions. Unfortunately, there are some third countries, which are linked to the EU, that do not apply these sanctions and therefore they are not effective, because if they are not applied by everyone, you understand the problems.

Beyond that, as far as national issues are concerned, in cooperation with Greece and Malta, within the European Council we are taking all those measures in order to avoid any side effects.

I am not saying that there will not be any - I want to be absolutely honest - but at the moment our effort is focused on taking decisions that do not negatively affect the EU member states."

Asked about the case of Thanasis Nikolaos, the President of the Republic said: "Let me remind you that under our government we proceeded, after 19 years - in consultation with the mother, because I am in contact with the mother, we are with her in this struggle, in this effort - with the appointment of investigators. We should not get ahead of ourselves. We should expect to let them (work), specific conditions, orders have been given. We want to see if in these 19 years there have been omissions, deliberate, what happened during this period, precisely to do justice to Thanasis' mother, who, I repeat, we have been in constant contact with her since the first day I took office."

In response to another question, the President said: "We are in contact with the family. To let the conclusion be completed, that is the main thing, that is the demand of Thanasis' mother. The reason we went ahead with this decision, 19 years later, is precisely because we do not want anything to be hidden in relation to this case. Everything in the light, to see if there are responsibilities and, if there are, to be held accountable. Let the investigators do their job and we will see how to proceed."

In relation to controversies over the National Cancer Institute, the President said: "There is no disagreement. There is no disagreement. What are we discussing internally? Whether it will be inside or outside the Ministry of Health. What we are interested in is how this Institute will be more effective. No dissent, no different approach, no second thoughts."

Asked about the Paphos Marina, President Christodoulides said: "During our term of office the foundation stone for the marina will be laid. We have already proceeded, it was the first request I received from the Paphos Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The competent Deputy Ministry of Tourism has gone through all the procedures and it is something that is lacking in the Paphos province. In all provinces it is something that needs to be done. It is something that we as a State have been saying for many, many years and it needs to be implemented. During our administration the foundation stone will be laid."

Asked to comment on a report that this project is in danger, the President of the Republic said: "I am generally concerned about the way such major projects are commissioned. What we are interested in is not just that projects are awarded, but that those who undertake them are able to implement them. That is the key issue. And I want to say, in this context, for all major projects, that, firstly, the state is not being blackmailed and, secondly, any commitments made must be implemented. If they are not able to implement the commitments made by companies, we will not just stand by and watch them and time will pass. We are interested in the implementation of such important projects, whether they concern Larnaca, Paphos or Limassol. And we need to look more generally at the issue of awarding such strategic projects, because this is a strategic project."

Asked to say when the UN Secretary General's personal envoy Ms Holguín will return to Cyprus, the President of the Republic said: "I have no information about her descent on a specific date. What I do know is that after June 1, in June, possibly in the first half of June, she will go to New York to discuss with the UN Secretary General and brief him. From then on we are here.

From our side we are ready for dialogue, we are ready for discussion. We are not afraid of dialogue, we are not worried about dialogue. We know what we want, we know where we want to go, and hopefully there will be either a positive response from the Turkish side or an invitation from the Secretary-General himself. I have conveyed to Ms. Holguín that I am ready for a meeting."

Asked if there has been any news from the Turkish side on its stance on the issue of resuming talks, the President said: "No, so far I don't have any new information or anything that I can report publicly. I was informed by the Greek Prime Minister about what was discussed (during his meeting with the Turkish President). If we are really interested in the resumption of talks, I don't think I should speak publicly, more specifically."

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