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[Cyprus Times] Who "betrayed" the killer of Andravida. The statement that led to his arrest


He was the person who with his words and his general behaviour after the discovery of the 4 bodies "activated" the experienced officers of ELAS

He can now, the perpetrator of the quadruple murder in Andravida, is in custody in Korydallos, but new evidence comes to light, about the case that froze the nation.

It was on the evening of March 2 that the heartbreaking crying and the image of the 12-year-old boy carrying his only 1.5-year-old half-brother dead in his arms, asking for help, "froze" the residents of a neighborhood in Andravida, and what followed led to the revelation of the atrocious crime that shook the country.

Victims are 32-year-old Armando and 37-year-old Maria Clocci and their minor children; perpetrator is the 60-year-old son of their landlady who is now in Koryllos prison, having confessed to the murders of the parents, while when asked about what happened to the toddlers, he insisted on stating "I don't want to remember, there is no forgiveness for that".

The killer's mother has shown no interest in finding out what happened

Police have been in the frame of suspects from the start. According to exclusive information from the newspaper "Peloponnese", the attitude of his mother contributed to this, without her knowledge. It was she who, with her words and her general behavior after the discovery of the 4 bodies, "activated" the experienced officers of the ELAS, who immediately understood that they were dealing with a particularly cruel woman.

According to the same information, the head of the investigation, despite the fact that earlier, in the house she was renting, the family of four was found murdered, showed no interest in finding out what had happened, while it is typical that she did not even go out on her balcony.

To the police officers' questions about the 60-year-old, her answers were terse, focusing on the fact that she had not seen him for days and did not know where he was.

Data, combined with testimonies about the 60-year-old's whereabouts and intelligence gathering, put him as the number one suspect. Coordinated investigations - after 48 hours of searching - led to his location and arrest in Patras, where he fled immediately after the murders. He was returning from the scene of the crime, having attempted to approach his house in order to take the money - 15,000 euros - he kept, and disappear! Publications circulating about the discovery of an exorbitant amount of money of 1 million euros in his house, are categorically denied by the ELAS.


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