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[Cyprus Times] Pope Francis visited the young Ukrainians treated at the children's hospital in Rome


These are children with neurological problems, oncological diseases, but also with serious injuries due to the bombing

Pope Francis[/B] wanted to visit young Ukrainians who have been admitted to the Babin Cezzou Catholic Children's Hospital in Rome earlier Saturday afternoon.

The Pope had not announced the special visit. He wanted to greet 15 children and talk to their parents. In his usual direct and human way, the pontiff patted the little ones and encouraged their parents. These are children with neurological problems, oncological diseases, but also with serious injuries due to the bombing.

Since the beginning of the Russian offensive against Ukraine, 50 children have been taken to the Babin Dzezhu hospital. Most of them are accompanied by their parents, but there are also minors who, unfortunately, have been orphaned and who can only seek the warmth of doctors, nurses and volunteers.

Source: APE-MPA

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