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[Cyprus Times] Pfizer's vaccine against Omicron will be ready in spring


It could offer 25 times more protection against the infectious variant in adults

In a few months, US pharmaceutical giant Pfizer's vaccine aimed at neutralizing the "Omicron" variant will be ready, according to Swiss media reports.

In an interview with the Swiss newspaper Blick, Pfizer's director in Switzerland, Sabine Bruckner, said that the US pharmaceutical giant could deliver the vaccine against the highly contagious 'Omicron' variant in the spring, if necessary.

At the same time, he said, the injectable formulation could offer 25 times more protection against the "Omicron" variant in adults.

Once ready, its market launch should be given the green light by the competent Swiss authorities, writes the French newspaper Le Parisien.

"We don't yet know whether this vaccine is necessary," says Sabine Bruckner, adding:

"Pfizer is therefore working on two fronts at the same time. On the one hand, studying how effective the existing vaccine is against variants of coronavirus. On the other hand, analyzing whether it needs adaptation and refining those modifications."

Source: First Issue

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