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[PIO] Announcement of the Directorate of the Department of Prisons regarding an article


Regarding an article dated 17/05/2024, in relation to balls thrown inside the Central Prison, the Directorate of Prisons informs the following, for the information of the public:

Specifically, today, 17/05/2024, during the early morning hours, the on-duty Bailiffs spotted two soccer balls, which did not have time to pass inside the Prison, and which, as it appeared, were thrown from outside.

All necessary actions were taken by the Directorate and the balls were handed over to the Nicosia Crime Investigation Department (CID) for further investigation of the case. From the preliminary actions taken, it appeared that there were a total of four mobile phones inside the two balls.

It is noted that the introduction of a mobile phone inside the Prison is a very serious criminal offence, which is punishable by imprisonment.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my congratulations to the Bailiffs, who acted promptly and efficiently, following the instructions and protocols of the Directorate.

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