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[PIO] Written statement by the President of the Republic Mr Nikos Christodoulides on the upgrade of the Cypriot economy by Standard Rating Agency


I welcome with great satisfaction the new upgrade of our country's credit rating, the 5th in a row since the country took over the government, this time by Standard and Poor's (S&P's), which confirms the positive outlook of the Cypriot economy.

Importantly, S&P's forecasts one of the highest growth rates in the EU over the period 2024-2027. This is despite the serious challenges arising at European and global level from the ongoing wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.

The fact that the international agency upgraded the Republic of Cyprus' credit rating from BBB to BBB+ while maintaining a positive outlook, proves the soundness of the Government's economic policy, based on the triptych: fiscal responsibility, financial stability and continuous reforms.

The fact that the international agency upgraded the Republic of Cyprus' credit rating from BBB to BBB+ while maintaining a positive outlook, proves the soundness of the Government's economic policy, based on the triptych: fiscal responsibility, financial stability and continuous reforms.

Access to international markets and attracting foreign investment are, among other things, essential ingredients for keeping the Cypriot economy on a growth path.

The Government will continue with the same determination to implement the economic policy that allows it to effectively support the vulnerable groups of the population, while strengthening both the middle class and businesses.

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