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[PIO] World Telecommunications and Information Society Day


This year, on 17 May, we celebrate World Telecommunications and Information Society Day, which marks the 55th anniversary of the founding of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU-ITU) in 1865.

The main purpose of the Union is to bridge the digital divide and ensure equitable, secure and affordable access to digital technology for all citizens without exception. To this end, it fosters international cooperation and promotes policies and investments to enhance the capacity of countries and citizens to keep pace with the rapidly changing digital landscape and to participate actively in the digital economy and society of the future.

For the year 2024, the ITU has adopted the theme: "Digital innovation for sustainable development", to highlight the importance and role of digital innovation for sustainable development and prosperity, as well as the enormous potential of technology to address critical environmental, social and economic global challenges.

With the slogan:

"The whole world needs digital innovation. Together we can make it happen."


ITU invites everyone to help raise awareness of the global digital divide and to encourage actions and actions to build an open and beneficial future for all of society.

The Ministry of State for Research, Innovation and Digital Policy is actively involved in ITU's work and initiatives, both in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the objectives of the Digital Decade for Europe. Based on a holistic, combined approach to Cyprus' transition to a modern and competitive digital state, we are investing in e-government, upgrading connectivity infrastructure and digital skills of various social groups, providing all citizens without exception with the necessary skills to harness and derive maximum benefits from digital transformation.


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