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[PIO] UNFICYP 60th Anniversary Event at the United Nations Headquarters in New York


On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of UNFICYP's presence in Cyprus this year, an event organized by the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cyprus to the United Nations was held yesterday, Friday, 14 June 2024, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The keynote speakers were Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos and Lieutenant General Cheryl Pearce, who served as Commander of UNFICYP from 2019-2021.

After the event, guests visited the Press and Information Office's "60 Years of UNFICYP" exhibition, which includes photographs from the Peace Force's six decades of presence in Cyprus. The exhibition will remain in the United Nations building for the next few days.

In his speech at the event, the Foreign Minister referred to the contribution of UNFICYP peacekeepers to Cyprus. He also noted that Cyprus recognises the vital role of UN peacekeepers worldwide, noting that the Republic of Cyprus hosts one of the longest-running peacekeeping missions in the world.

"Members of the Force have served the UN and Cypriots with courage. Some gave their lives during their service. Their sacrifice is not forgotten. And the Republic of Cyprus is grateful to them."

The Foreign Minister went on to stress that "the Turkish occupation remains a painful reality, a constant violation of public international law, a constant reminder that a member state of this Organization faces, on a daily basis, an existential threat." In this context, he referred to the attacks against members of the Peace Force last August, which the international community condemned in the strongest terms, and to the fact that the recent moves by the occupying forces are manifestations of today's challenges.

In addition, he stressed that "the UN cannot be threatened and that the policy of equal distance is dangerous," adding that "the UN cannot undermine the principles for which peacekeepers have sacrificed their lives."

"In Cyprus we had an invasion. There is a victim and the perpetrator, who carried out illegal aggression. There is a UN member state and an illegal entity, a product of aggression. The middle line is dangerous. And it should not be linked to the UN," he concluded.

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