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[PIO] The President of the Republic welcomed the event in honour of AHEPA at the Presidential Palace, during which the First Lady of the Republic of


The outstanding contribution of the Diaspora to the struggles of the Cypriot Hellenism was mentioned tonight by the President of the Republic Mr.Nikos Christodoulides, speaking at an event held at the Presidential Palace in honour of the members of AHEPA who are in Cyprus to hold its 102nd Supreme Congress.

In his address at the event, during which First Lady Philippa Carcera Christodoulides was honoured with the AHEPA Women's Organisation Award, the President of the Republic said, among other things, that "it is a great honour that for the first time the Supreme Congress, this important event for Hellenism, is being organised in Cyprus", noting that it "sends a strong message for our unity and strength".

President Christodoulides referred to the history and work of AHEPA, as well as its extremely important contribution to the struggles of Hellenism, including the Hellenism of Cyprus.

He also stressed that the holding of the AHERA Supreme Conference coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus and underlined "our determination for the reunification of Cyprus through a viable comprehensive solution, in accordance with United Nations resolutions, European law and European principles and values".

The President of the Republic also expressed gratitude on behalf of the Cypriot people to the members of AHERA for their long-standing support to Cyprus' struggle for liberation and reunification, noting that "your voice and determination strengthen ours", and noting the role they play in strengthening Cyprus-US relations.

He also stressed that "it is my duty as President of the Republic to work tirelessly so that future generations can live in a viable, functional, reunified European Union (EU) member state, where they can enjoy all the human rights enjoyed by other Europeans and live in a peaceful environment of stability, freedom and prosperity, without guarantees and without foreign troops. A reunited Cyprus will further strengthen its role as a pillar of regional stability and peace and will be a model of peaceful coexistence and prosperity", he underlined.

He assured that despite Turkish intransigence "I will continue efforts to resume negotiations on the basis of the agreed framework provided for in the relevant United Nations resolutions".

Finally, he stressed that "the time has come to reunite the last divided EU member state", noting that the Diaspora has a huge role to play in this effort.

During the event, the First Lady was presented with the "Penelope's Spirit" award by the AHEPA Women's Organization "The Daughters of Penelope".

Explaining the rationale behind the decision to award the prize to the First Lady of the Republic, the Executive Director of the AHEPA Women's Organization Ms. Elena Savialaki said that the award is given to women "who have demonstrated dignity, resilience, creativity and who inspire and empower women".

She added that "the First Lady is not only a career diplomat, but also a mother of four girls. She has served at the High Commission of the Republic in the UK, the Embassy in Athens and the Permanent Representation in Brussels during Cyprus' first EU Presidency. She also headed the General Secretariat for European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served as Advisor to the President of the Republic for European Affairs/Sherpa".

Addressing Ms. Karsera Christodoulides, Ms. Savialaki said that "your steadfast dedication to hard work for your professional achievements and your leadership reflect this award."

Accepting the award, the First Lady said, among other things, that "as a member of the Diplomatic Service from a young age, I learned to be guided by the duty to promote the interests of my country and to defend its just demands, particularly with regard to the Cyprus problem.

As the wife of the President of the Republic, especially in these difficult times, 50 years since the coup and the Turkish invasion and the ongoing illegal occupation, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your struggle to preserve the historical truth and for your support for Cyprus. Your role is vital to the United States, the United Kingdom and the United Nations."

He added that we are all united in supporting President Christodoulides' efforts to resume talks and for a reunited Cyprus.

"As First Lady, I stand by the President, whose main goal is to bring change to Cyprus and society, promoting policies that will bring social justice and improve the quality of life of citizens, including vulnerable groups," she said.

He also expressed pride in the work carried out by the Independent Social Support Body which, he said, has helped 800 students so far and expressed thanks to all expatriates who support the Body.

For his part, the High President of AHEPA, Mr. Savvas Tsivikos announced the decision of the Organization to offer every year 10 thousand euros in support of the Independent Social Support Body.

In his own greeting, Mr. Chivikos expressed his thanks to the Presidential couple for their warm hospitality and said, among other things, that "we are always at your disposal" for the struggles of Cyprus.

He also noted the timelessly important role of the Diaspora in defending the rights of Cypriot Hellenism and underlined that this struggle will be continued by AHEPA, always offering selflessly.

"We will not mourn that 50 years have passed. We will never stop and we will continue to fight," he said, stressing that AHEPA as a whole stands by the President of the Republic.

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