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[PIO] The Minister of Foreign Affairs presented the candidacy of the Republic of Cyprus for the Human Rights Council for the period 2025-2027


An event was held on 14 June 2024 at the United Nations (UN) headquarters, which marked the official launch of the Republic of Cyprus' bid for election to the Human Rights Council (HRC) for the period 2025-2027.

The event was organized by the Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the UN in New York and was attended by dozens of representatives of UN member states.

The keynote speaker at the event was Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos.

In his speech, Mr. Kombos referred, among other things, to the main features of the candidature that Cyprus has submitted for the first time for election to the UNHRC, which are summarized in three thematic categories:

- Strengthening the rights of the child.

- Addressing violence against women and strengthening the gender equality dimension.

- Promoting and protecting economic, social and cultural rights.

In addition to this, the Foreign Minister noted that the Republic of Cyprus, if and when elected to the UNHRC, will promote and support actions that will enhance the rights of vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, as well as the elderly.

As a small island state, he said, Cyprus will seek to promote actions around addressing the challenges faced by small states, especially small island states, as a consequence of climate change.

In conclusion, the Foreign Minister stressed the Republic of Cyprus' full respect for the implementation of Human Rights and its readiness to contribute responsibly to the effective functioning of the Human Rights Council.

The event concluded with a short artistic programme by the renowned Cypriot artist Alexia Vassiliou, who has been living and working in the USA for the last few years.


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