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[PIO] Statements of the President of the Republic on his arrival at the Informal Session of the European People's Party, in Brussels


Responding to questions from journalists at the Informal Meeting of the European People's Party in Brussels today, President Christodoulides said:

"The election result is clear, we have to move immediately and hopefully by July we will be done with everything. I hope that today we will have a first agreement, which cannot be formal as it is an informal meeting, but what is important is that it is completed by July. We have a session in July in the European Parliament, so it has to be completed."

Answering a question on whether the name for the post of President of the European Commission remains the same as the one that has been published, Christodoulides said. As I have told you, the result of the elections is clear. Ursula von der Leyen will have to take on a second term as President of the European Commission."

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