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[PIO] Statements by the President of the Republic of Cyprus at the Informal European Council Summit in Brussels


"Our support for the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament has been expressed. This is also the position that I will express during the discussions," said the President of the Republic Mr.Nikos Christodoulides.

In his statements to journalists, upon his arrival today, 17 June 2024, at the Informal European Council Summit in Brussels, he said the following.

"The result of the elections was clear. I hope tonight we will have an initial agreement. After all, there can be no formal agreement. So that next week we can take final decisions and this whole process can be completed in July. This is a key ambition on our side and I am glad that other Member States also see the need for an agreement as soon as possible in July.

We have many challenges ahead of us. We have issues that we need to work on. There is migration, there is the crisis in Ukraine, there is what is happening in the Middle East, there are elections in the United States, elections in Britain, so you understand that we need to have an agreement as soon as possible.

Beyond that, I repeat, the result of the elections is clear. Our support for the President of the European Commission and the President of the European Parliament has been expressed. This is also the position I will express during the debates.

Two successful Presidents who we believe should be supported. Beyond that for the other positions I have received a number of calls from interested parties. We will see how the whole discussion develops and I repeat the most important thing is to have an agreement as soon as possible. I don't want to comment on the internal situation of the country but if I can send a message as the leader of a member state of the European Union it is that we need a country, a government, which will be close to the European Union and I am sure you can understand the importance of France."

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