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[PIO] Statements by the President of the Hellenic Republic on the issue of irregular migrants in the buffer zone


Under no circumstances will we allow the creation of a new route for irregular migrants from the buffer zone, but at the same time we convey our readiness to help manage this problem, President of the Republic Mr. Nikos Christodoulides.

In his statements to journalists, coming to an event of the Cyprus Olympic Committee at the Olympic Hall and asked about the illegal migrants in the buffer zone, the President of the Republic said: "As the Republic of Cyprus, we have informed the United Nations and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) of our readiness to assist in any humanitarian issues that may arise in relation to the people in the buffer zone."

Beyond that, the Republic of Cyprus does not take lessons from anyone on how to manage the issue of migrants. We have demonstrated many times both our sensitivity to this issue and how we manage it.

It is easy, possibly, for some people who are far from Cyprus to make statements. Beyond that, the management with regard to the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, where effective control is exercised by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, is done by decisions of the Government. We are not going to allow under any circumstances, I repeat, to create a new route for illegal immigrants, but at the same time we convey on a daily basis, both with the Minister of Interior and with others from competent services of the Republic, our readiness to assist in the management of this problem. It is a problem, it is a challenge and we are ready to manage it.

Beyond that, for these kinds of public statements, with which some people think that they will put pressure on the Republic of Cyprus, I want to convey to them the message that they are not going to achieve anything. It is through cooperation that such problems are addressed and not through this kind of public intervention."

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