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[PIO] Statements by the Minister of Justice and Public Order on the femicide in Paphos


If the investigations reveal any responsibility for negligence on the part of the Police, they will be attributed, Minister of Justice and Public Order Marios Hartsiotis said today regarding the femicide committed yesterday in Paphos.

In his statements to journalists on the sidelines of the President's tour of the fire-affected communities in the Paphos District, the Minister of Justice and Public Order, asked to comment on reports that there had been a failure to act by the Police in the case of the femicide in Paphos, said: "This is an extremely sad event, a femicide, a homicide, on which the Ministry of Justice and the President of the Republic himself have shown a particular sensitivity from the very first moment.

Examinations and investigations are continuing and, as I am informed, new evidence about this sad event is coming to light every day.

In relation to this particular issue of negligence, you will have noticed and it has been published that, following my instructions to the Chief of Police, instructions have been given to conduct an investigation into this event. That is, whether, in relation to this particular femicide, there was any negligence on the part of any police officer.

Be assured that if this particular inquiry proves any negligence in any part relating to the Police, responsibility will be apportioned.

I reiterate the President's sensitivity to this particular incident and my own personal sensitivity to assign responsibility, if and when it exists, to anyone."

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