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[Cyprus Times] Increasing sales of TC car insurance at roadblocks, writes Yeni Douzen


There is an increase in car insurance issued for T/C vehicles at crossing points by companies there, according to Yeni Dusen.

A report in the newspaper said that despite the increase in the price of car insurance for those going to the free areas, due also to the decrease in the exchange value of the TL, car insurance has increased andit is for T/Cs working on the Y/C side.

A representative of one of the companies told the newspaper that 4-5 insurance policies are issued per day. For 1 month, it is reported, the cost for a private vehicle is 25 euros in the car insurance premium, which from TL 254 has now reached TL 380.

Ulfet Akdeniz works as a cook in a restaurant on the G/C side[/b] and told Yeni Dusen that "everyone is dying to work on this side now, and I have just started working in the south."

Ulfet Akdeniz works as a cook in a restaurant on the G/C side and told Yeni Dusen that "everyone is dying to work on this side now, and I have just started working in the south. As he said, he has been working for 4 months in the free areas and passes the barrier every day. And she feels lucky in part, because the fall in the value of the TL found her working on the Greek side where she is paid in euros.[/p]

The newspaper also spoke to Giocmen Kerpigi who has been working for 3 years as a handyman for aluminium frames. Working, he said, in the "north" did not pay off for him, so he found a job in the "south". He pays, he said, 25 euros every month for insurance, "but what can we do, the situation in our country is what it is."

Source: CNA

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