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[Cyprus Times] "Disappointing" the debate on the amendment of the Political Parties Law, says the Salvation Initiative Group of the EPP

"Disappointing" the debate on the amendment of the Law on Political Parties, says EPP Salvation Initiative Group

The EPP Salvation and Reorganization Initiative Group says in a statement that "it is really disappointing that in 2022 the political leadership of the country is discussing and presumably passing by majority the latest proposal to amend the Law on Political Parties."[/QUOTE]

The EPP Salvation and Reorganization Initiative Group says in a statement that "it is really disappointing that in 2022 the political leadership of the country is discussing and presumably passing by majority the latest proposal to amend the Law on Political Parties.

He speaks of a proposal that promotes the removal of the right of a party member to appeal to the judiciary if he believes that his party leadership is violating his party's constitution, a practice, he says, "followed in recent years by M. Sizopoulos and now tries to make it an institution of the state."

In essence, the statement continues, the proposal of Mr. Sizopoulos and the Chairman of the Committee on Institutions Dimitris Demetriou "limits the possibility of recourse to justice only in matters of financial management of the parties."

In essence, the statement continues, the proposal of Mr. Sizopoulos and the Chairman of the Committee on Institutions Dimitriou "limits the possibility of recourse to justice only in matters of financial management of the parties. For other issues the appeal must be decided by a senior civil servant appointed by the political system who must issue a decision within 45 days."

"In the meantime, the controlled leadership will be able to organise congresses, hack membership registers, hold elections, bypass organs and decisions and create deadlocks."

"In the meantime, the controlled leadership will be able to organise congresses, hack membership registers, hold elections, bypass organs and decisions and create deadlocks. Really, why didn't they propose that the court be required to rule within 45 days?", the Initiative Group asks.

Source: CNA

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