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[CYPRUS TIMES] Bilateral contacts In Brussels for the EU-African Union Heads of State Meeting


President Anastasiades attends the EU-African Union Heads of State Meeting

The President of the Republic, Nicos Anastasiades is participating today and tomorrow in the Summit of Heads of State of the EU and the African Union, which is taking place in Brussels.

The Summit will address, inter alia, issues relating to the EU-Africa partnership and the implementation of joint commitments,[/B] focusing, inter alia, on financing of development,health and pandemic response, agriculture and rural development, education, research and innovation, migration, security, climate change and energy.

As announced by the Presidency, during the Summit, the President of the Republic will address a round table discussion on Peace, Security and Governance, while on the second day of the Summit he will also address a panel on Migration.

In the margins of the Summit, President Anastasiades will have bilateral contacts with Heads of State or Government of EU and African Union member states.

The President of the Republic, who will return to Cyprus in the afternoon of 18 February, will be accompanied by the Deputy Minister to the President, Kyriakos Kousios, the Deputy Government Spokesperson, Niobe Parisinou, and officials.

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